Oral Sedation

Gentle Oral Sedation in Oxford, MI

A woman looks at a glass of water with a pill in hand, symbolizing the process of oral sedation

Providing outstanding dental care for decades, John Khoury Dental is the leading practice in Oxford, MI. As a friendly, enthusiastic, and skilled dental team, we strive to provide the best dental experience for our patients. Therefore, our procedures are designed to ensure your comfort and ease. Our patients who may experience anxiety can benefit from sedation options, such as oral sedation.

Tranquil and Pain-Free Dental Care

Have you ever felt anxious when visiting the dentist? Maybe you’ve got dental anxiety. Don’t worry, you are not alone. Anxiety and fear are common reactions to dental procedures for many people. It is good to know that sedation is an option you may choose to help you feel more comfortable during dental procedures. 

At John Khoury Dental, we offer oral sedation, a helpful tool to help you overcome your fear and let you receive the highest dental care in a comfortable environment. 

What is Oral Sedation? 

In oral sedation, you take a pill one hour before your dental procedure. As a result, you’re put into a minimal to moderate state of sedation without being asleep. It is important to keep in mind that your size and weight have a significant impact on the strength of the sedative.

When Should Oral Sedation Be Used?

  • If dental visits trigger anxiety or stress, oral sedation can provide you with a more relaxed and comfortable experience.
  • With oral sedation, more intensive treatments can be performed with minimal discomfort.
  • When you are sensitive to pain or discomfort, oral sedation helps you feel more comfortable.
  • Involuntary gag reflexes may be eased with sedation in patients with sensitive gag reflexes.

What to Expect After Oral Sedation

Despite feeling drowsy, you will wake up and be able to communicate after oral sedation. You can expect these things after oral sedation. 

  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Mild Confusion
  • Procedure memory is less sharp

How Long Does Oral Sedation Last?

It usually takes about 20 minutes for oral sedation drugs to take effect on children. It is generally recommended that patients who undergo dental treatment under oral sedation wait 24 hours after the sedation has worn off before returning to normal activities. In addition, oral sedation can last for two to eight hours. It is necessary for patients who undergo this type of sedation dentistry to have a ride home afterward.

Take Advantage of Stress-Free Dental Care Today!

We also offer general dentistry and reconstructive dentistry services. If you’re looking for a comprehensive line of dental services near you, John Khoury Dental is the ideal office. Let us help you achieve your dream smile. Call for an appointment at (248) 969-7645 or request an appointment online now!