GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy)

Innovative GBT in Oxford, MI

A dentist performs a teeth cleaning on a woman, utilizing Guided Biofilm Therapy for effective oral hygiene

Here at John Khoury Dental, we offer Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), a revolutionary way to clean your teeth. A key aspect of GBT is the removal of plaque (dental biofilm) from the teeth with a combination of water, air, and powder rather than the more traditional methods that involve harsher manual or electric equipment. With Guided Biofilm Therapy, our dental team assures that your oral health is protected through this more comfortable, efficient, and thorough cleaning procedure.

Cutting-Edge Biofilm Management

For those with sensitive teeth or dental anxiety, Guided Biofilm Therapy is an excellent alternative. Through a gentle, minimally invasive approach, most patients are able to remain relaxed and comfortable during this gentle but thorough cleaning. 

What is Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)?

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a systematic, science-based approach to dental biofilm management using modern technology. It emphasizes a preventive, minimally invasive method to maintain oral health and includes the following steps:

  1. Examination: First, Dr. Khoury or one of our dental team members assesses your oral health and identifies areas of biofilm (plaque) accumulation.
  1. Diagnosis: A thorough diagnosis is made to understand the extent and impact of biofilm and other dental issues.
  1. Disclosure: A disclosing agent is applied to make biofilm visible, highlighting areas that need attention.
  1. Airflow: Using a device that combines air, warm water, and a special powder, the biofilm is gently removed from teeth, gums, and other areas.
  1. Perioflow: For subgingival biofilm removal, a finer powder and water spray to clean deep inside periodontal pockets.
  1. Scaling: If necessary, our team will use ultrasonic or hand scalers to remove any remaining hard deposits.
  1. Maintenance: After GBT is complete, regular follow-ups are scheduled to maintain oral health.

The goal of GBT is to provide a thorough cleaning while making you as comfortable as possible. The more relaxed you are, the more likely you will be to return for regular cleanings which is crucial for preventing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

 Who is GBT for? 

Guided biofilm therapy is a great option and often recommended for those with:

  • Orthodontic braces or brackets
  • Highly sensitive teeth
  • Implants
  • Gum disease
  • Crowns, bridges, and veneers 

GBT is considered the gold standard for dental implant maintenance as it has proven to be more effective than traditional cleaning methods

Benefits of Guided Biofilm Therapy

  • Non-Invasive and Gentle

Compared to traditional scaling, GBT uses gentle air polishing and ultrasonic technology.

  • Highly Effective Plaque Removal

By using a revealing solution, GBT can identify biofilm buildup and ensure thorough cleaning of hard-to-reach areas.

  • Promotes Long-Term Oral Health

GBT’s ability to effectively manage biofilm contributes to the prevention of cavities and gum disease, resulting in longer-term healthy gums and teeth.

  • Safe for All Patients

Dental implants, braces, or other dental restorations can be cleaned gently yet thoroughly with GBT, as it offers a gentle yet thorough cleaning method.

Discover the Benefits of GBT Now

Are you curious about the GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy) Oxford MI? We can help you learn more about this procedure. Experience the benefits of Guided Biofilm Therapy at John Khoury Dental.

We also offer general dentistry and reconstructive dentistry services. If you’re looking for a comprehensive line of dental services near you, John Khoury Dental is the ideal office. Let us help you achieve your dream smile. Call for an appointment at (248) 969-7645 or request an appointment online now!