Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions in Oxford, MI

Close-up of dental professional employs an instrument to perform a tooth extraction, highlighting the procedure in a dental clinic

John Khoury Dental is committed to providing dental services and promoting your comfort. We provide a wide range of dental services, including extractions of teeth in Oxford, MI.  We understand the idea of a tooth removal procedure can be anxiety-causing but here at John Khoury Dental you can rest easy— Dr. Khoury and our dental team are highly trained, skilled, and gentle, ensuring you feel comfortable and at ease.

Gentle Extractions for Optimal Comfort

What is a Tooth Extraction? 

Tooth extraction involves the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) of the alveolar bone. There are many reasons why a tooth extraction would be needed, but most commonly they are recommended when teeth are unable to be repaired due to decay, periodontal disease, or trauma.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

  1. Severe Tooth Decay or Damage
    Fillings, crowns, or other restorations cannot repair severely decayed or damaged teeth.
  2. Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    Pain, infection, or crowding can result from wisdom teeth that are unable to fully emerge.
  3. Orthodontic Treatment
    For orthodontic treatment to be successful, teeth may need to be removed.
  4. Infection
    A tooth extraction may be necessary if an infection threatens the health of nearby teeth and gums.

What Are the Types of Tooth Extraction?

Surgical extraction and simple extraction are two types of tooth extraction. 

  • Simple Tooth Extraction
    The most common dental procedure in the United States is simple tooth extraction. It is a straightforward process. A dentist uses dental tools to pull out the tooth after injecting local anesthesia into the gums around it. In most cases, this is done when the tooth is visible, which allows the dentist to remove it. Simple extractions are easier and faster to recover from. 
  • Surgical Tooth Extraction
    You may need a surgical dental extraction when a decayed tooth cannot be removed using the simple tooth extraction method. It is used for more complex cases, such as teeth that are not visible in the mouth and wisdom teeth that have become impacted.

    This procedure involves creating an incision in the gums to gain access to the tooth. In some cases, a dentist needs to cut the teeth or bone tissue surrounding a tooth into sections. Your incision may need to be stitched closed. Recovery may take longer, too. 

Trust John Khoury Dental for a Comfortable Tooth Extraction

We also offer general dentistry and reconstructive dentistry services. If you’re looking for a comprehensive line of dental services near you, John Khoury Dental is the ideal office. Let us help you achieve your dream smile. Call for an appointment at (248) 969-7645 or request an appointment online now!