Root Canals

Root Canals in Oxford, MI

A dental professional in a white coat holding a model tooth, emphasizing the importance of root canals in preserving oral health

When people think of root canals, they usually associate them with anxiety and pain. Modern technological advances and improved anesthetics have turned root canal procedures from dreadful operations to relatively painless dental visits.

At John Khoury Dental, Dr. Khoury and his staff make root canal therapy simple and stress-free for all Oxford, MI, patients.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy (or endodontic treatment) is a procedure designed to salvage a decaying or cracked tooth. A root canal procedure typically requires two visits to the dentist’s office for optimum oral health.

At our office, the steps to a complete root canal include:

  1. Dr. Khoury will examine the tooth and administer an anesthetic if needed. He will place a dental dam over the area to keep moisture away.
  2. Dr. Khoury will create an opening in the tooth’s crown. He will then clean the soft tissue in the pulp chamber containing the blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. Finally, he will shape the space for temporary filling.
  3. The doctor will then fill the root canal with a rubber-like material, sealing the tooth with cement.
  4. Lastly, Dr. Khoury will place a crown on the tooth to return it to full functionality.

FAQ on Root Canals

  1. What Can I Eat After a Root Canal?
    After root canal therapy, your tooth needs time to heal. Eating hard foods can cause the tooth to shatter. Therefore, eat soft foods, such as:
    • Pudding
    • Yogurt
    • Smoothies
    • Bananas
    • Soup 
    • Eggs
    • Pasta
    • Applesauce
    • Oatmeal
  1. Do I Need to Revisit My Dentist?
    Schedule a follow-up appointment after your root canal therapy is complete. Doing so will ensure your proper healing.

Save Your Tooth with Expert Care

We also offer general dentistry and reconstructive dentistry services. If you’re looking for a comprehensive line of dental services near you, John Khoury Dental is the ideal office. Let us help you achieve your dream smile. Call for an appointment at (248) 969-7645 or request an appointment online now!